[Tip] “Building Quality In” – Automation points to consider in while you prepare for the test strategy.

Building quality in means writing automated tests at multiple levels (unit, component, and acceptance) and running them as part of the deployment pipeline, which is triggered every time a change is made to your application, its configuration, or the environment and software stack that it runs on. Manual testing is also an essential part of building quality in: Showcases, usability testing, and exploratory testing need to be done continuously throughout the project.

[Reference: Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases.. – Humble, Jez. ]

[bctt tweet=”Building quality in also means constantly working to improve your automated testing strategy.” url=”yes”]

While preparing the Test Strategy for any feature, consider the following points from automation perspective:

  • The automation approach for each layer – Unit, Integration, Regression etc.
  • Technical Debt (Automation Maintenance / Debt)
  • Running automated tests after each commit
  • Running automated tests as a part of deployment pipeline