API Contract Testing with example using Postman

Contract testing for API is about making sure that the API behaves according to the contract that has been agreed upon, and it can be done using different tools and frameworks.

Here’s an example of contract testing using Postman:

# Import the collection from a file
pm.test("status code is 200", function () {
pm.test("response should be a JSON", function () {
    pm.response.to.have.header("Content-Type", "application/json");
pm.test("response should be not be empty", function () {

This code is a test script written in JavaScript, it check if response status is 200, if the response type is JSON and if the JSON response data is not empty. The test will fail if the API does not adhere to the contract, and the developers can use the failure message to identify and fix the issue.

Click here to learn about API Contract Testing with example using Pact framework in Python

Key Skills of a Software Tester (Part 1)

Some of the key skills of a software tester include:

-Analytical skills: The ability to think logically and critically in order to identify issues and problems.

-Attention to detail: The ability to spot errors and inconsistencies.

-Creativity: The ability to come up with new and innovative ways to test software.

-Patience: The ability to persevere in the face of challenging tasks.

-Communication: The ability to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical staff.

9 Soft skills needed to fast-track your career

Along with the technical skills, soft skills are equally important to grow up in the career.

Below are the most important soft skills that can help fast-track your career:

1. Time management

2. Communication

3. Organization of your work

4. Teamwork

5. Problem solving

6. Critical thinking

7. Interpersonal skills

8. Flexibility

9. Stress management

TestFlix 2022 (virtual conference) – Attend for Free!!

TestFlix 2022 (virtual conference) is happening on October 8th & 9th 2022.In this virtual conference Testers from top companies (across the globe)  share their knowledge through Atomic Talks.

Atomic talks by definition are meant to be small, yet Powerful and that’s the whole idea this time, it has 60+ Global Speakers & 14 Themes

Topics: Automation, Testing, AI ML, Web 3.0, Performance, Leadership/Management, API & lot more

Recording Access: Practical demonstration based teaching, clear ‘how-tos’ (only to those who registered)I highly recommend you guys to register for this conference and attend the sessions which are relevant to you. 

Grab your free pass here: https://bit.ly/3qmuVZU

How to Speed Up Software Development?

Why is Faster Software Development Important?

Faster software development is important because it saves time and money.

In a business world that is more competitive than ever before, it’s important to be able to develop software as quickly as possible. Today’s software developers need to be able to build out new features for the company’s product or service, and they need to do so quickly. The faster that this can happen, the less time is wasted, which means that companies will be more prepared and have a higher chance of success in this competitive market.

What Practices Will Help You Speed Up Your Software Development?

  1. Shift Left through Automation
  2. Implement CI/CD
  3. Automate as many tasks as possible – coding, data entry, testing, etc.
  4. Make defects visible so they can be fixed early and often – unit testing, nightly builds, etc.
  5. Know what you want before you build it – are requirements clear? does the design make sense? are there risks or side effects we should know about?
  6. Do things in parallel wherever possible – running multiple tests, running multiple code reviews at the same time, etc.
  7. Be responsive to changes in requirements and design from stakeholders and teammates
  8. Limit your work in progress

Determining What Test Cases to Automate

3 Steps for Determining What Test Cases to Automate

  1. Know your goal and scope of the test case
  2. Be objective about the test case’s complexity and risk-levels
  3. Make sure that your testing efforts are well-balanced in time, efforts, and budget

The value of automated testing is proportional to the number of times a test may be repeated. Manual testing is preferable for tests that are only performed a few times. Test cases that are run frequently and require a substantial quantity of data to execute the same action are good candidates for automation.

Automating the following tasks will help you get the most out of your automated testing efforts:

  • Tests that are repeated for numerous builds.
  • Tests that are prone to human error.
  • Tests that necessitate the use of numerous data sets.
  • This is a frequently used feature that introduces high-risk situations.
  • Tests that are impossible to complete by hand.
  • Tests that are performed on a variety of hardware and software platforms and combinations.
  • When manual testing, tests that involve a lot of time and effort.

Chrome Network Throttling – Testing any website with slow internet connection

Chrome can be used to simulate a slow connection.
Install Chrome if it is not already installed on your system. After that, open a new tab and press CTRL + SHIFT + I to bring up the developer tools window, or click on the hamburger icon, then More tools, then Developer tools.

Now click on Network section – a drop-down menu of pre-configured speeds appears, which you can use to simulate a slow connection.

Chrome Network throttling
To add your own custom values, click the Add button under Custom. To create a new profile, click the Add Custom Profile button.

This is an excellent tool that is integrated into Chrome that you can use to determine the load time of your website on slower connections. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Optimize Selenium WebDriver Automated Test Scripts: Maintainability

[A must read for all SDETs and Automation Engineers].

This time Zhimin Zhan provides a number of code examples for improving test maintainability.

When you can run automated tests often, and the application changes all the time, it is important that test scripts are: Quick and easy to maintain. Easy to read.

The leading reason for test automation to fail is that the team fails to maintain its automated scripts. In this article, Zhimin Zhan helps to understand some simple and practical tips at the test steps level that can help you make your automated functional tests more maintainable. These techniques are:

  • One Test Script Line for One User Operation
  • Default Parameter Value
  • Extend function behaviour with optional Hashmap

Click here to Read complete article.

365+ Resources to be a Super Productive Tester [Free ebook]

Ultimate Productivity Toolkit – 365+ Resources to be a Super Productive Tester

A tool has been a tester’s friend from day 1. Be it a tool to remember the passwords or to make notes, a good tester has always made the best use of different tools. We have tools for many activities. A good tester not just understands the importance of tools but also knows the limitation of each tool.

Just like there are no best practices, there are no best tools. There are tools suited for each activity and the same tool might not be the appropriate one in another instance.

It is therefore very important that a tester knows at least 2-3 tools from each category.

Rahul Parwal and Ajay Balamurugadas welcome you to enjoy our collection of tools along with an inspiring quotation on each page.

Download the ebook from here: https://leanpub.com/productivitytoolkit

Email testing for QA Specialists: What to Know

Written by Dmytro

No matter your app sends transactional emails or your company sends marketing ones, you must test them before reaching real users. The notion that only marketers are responsible for email testing is not quite accurate since the template debugging, email infrastructure setup and analysis of other tech email aspects are duties of dev and QA teams.

In this post, Dmytro will explain why testers need to be aware of email testing as a part of mobile testing and what elements must be fixed.

3 Email Testing Pillars to Remember:

  • HTML templates need inspecting and debugging
  • Ensuring email deliverability is a must
  • Email infrastructure requires configuring and monitoring

Read Complete tips at: Huddle – Eurostar SoftwareTesting