Handy tools for Performance Testing

The top eleven tools for performance testing are as follows:

  1. Google Page Speed Insights – a site performance from Google, both for mobile and desktop devices.
  2. Webpagetest – it checks to detect the causes of the slow loading of the site.
  3. GTMetrix – it allows you to check the performance of the site.
  4. Pingdom – it’s a monitoring service and a free automated website testing tool.
  5. Gomez – viewing from multiple locations. Over 100 locations to choose from.
  6. Alertra – viewing from several locations.
  7. Load Impact – testing from several locations and performance reports.
  8. FeedTheBot – tests for website optimization and performance.
  9. Dotcom Monitor – site performance tests from 20 locations with just one click.
  10. RedBot is a small utility for checking HTTP headers.
  11. Neustar Ultratools – a set of utilities for checking the speed of hosting, DNS, and more.