Automation testing tools at Google

Knowing that Google’s testers are really software engineers building test frameworks and tools, what are these frameworks and tools? Here’s a short list of the well-known testing solutions built or influenced by Google:

  • Selenium. No, Google didn’t build Selenium, but Jason Huggins (the creator of Selenium) worked at Google in 2007 on Selenium RC. Besides, it was the Google Test Automation Conference 2009 where Google and ThoughtWorks agreed to merge Selenium and WebDriver into Selenium 2.0. What followed is now history.
  • Protractor. Originally developed for end-to-end testing of Angular apps, Protractor is one of the most popular automation frameworks. Needless to say, engineers from Google use Protractor for many products and play an important part in the development of this framework.
  • Karma. The spectacular test runner for JavaScript is the brainchild of the AngularJS team at Google. Also, the original name of this test runner was Testacular.
  • Espresso UI is a test framework and a record-playback tool for Android.
  • EarlGrey. In addition to UI testing for web application and Android, Google taps into functional UI testing for iOS with EarlGrey. At Google, this framework is integral to the UI testing of Google apps for iOS, including YouTube, Play Music, Google Calendar, Google Translate, etc.
  • GoogleTest. The products that use this C++ test framework are the Chrome browser, Chrome OC, and the computer vision library OpenCV.
  • Google Test Case Manager is a test management software that Search giant uses internally.
  • OSS-Fuzz is Google’s solution for the fuzz testing of open-source software.
  • Martian proxy is a library for building programmable HTTP proxies for testing purposes. As pointed out on this project’s GitHub page, Martian proxy isn’t not really a Google product. Rather, it’s just code that Google happens to own.

Here is the complete list of testing tools used by Google and are Open source: